Yeah, it's been a while huh? Guess you could say I've just not been inspired, or I did actually have had plenty to say, but most of it wouldn't have been positive. We moved and I had planned on even starting a whole series on all of the repairs we've been doing or will do on this house... oh well... maybe soon. Bobby's been layed off multiple times, and stayed unemployed for quite a stretch of time. I had another miscarriage in early November. Guess it's not really been the greatest year. (Actually, I believe it's almost been a year since my last blog post!)
I was sitting here the other night showing a friend this blog. I was reading through all of my old posts and just laughed and laughed. I'm so glad that I did this blog, because it was so nice to go back and relive those memories! I'm hoping I'll feel inspired now to keep it up again. Who knows....
Thought I'd leave you with a few silly pictures that were taken this summer...

Not much of a blog post, but it's a start, right?...