Ok, just taste tested a few, and they're pretty good. I boiled them in salty water first before putting them in the oven. They aren't quite as crunchy as I would like, so I'll keep them in there alittle longer... Hopefully I won't burn them! If they turn out really great I'll be sure to post the really simple recipe for you.
Monday, October 26, 2009
Pumpkin seeds
I'm so exhausted... going on maybe 2 1/2 hours of sleep. For some reason I can't seem to sleep well here lately. Anyway, the house is a total disaster and I have no idea why in the world I am sitting here blogging about basically nothing. I do have pumpkin seeds in the oven though. Hopefully they will turn out good. I've always just thrown out my pumpkin seeds after carving a pumpkin (which Lexie and Bobby did last night... I sat here and watched.) So this time, I decided since pumpkin seeds are supposed to be healthy... I'd try my hand at roasting some... or toasting... whatever you want to call it.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Note to self... make sure new leggings are NOT see through!
Ok, so if you remember from my previous post. I was loving my new leggings. I felt good, had on some jewelry, my hair looked good, make-up just right... getting ready for my trip to Walmart. (Yeah, sad... I know) Anyway, the trip got delayed several hours, because of a baby puke accident in the van where I had to remove the car seat, wash the cover, wait for it to dry... Ok, back to the story... I finally make it to the store, and in the bright lights of Walmart I realize my leggings are sort of see through! Oh goodness! My shirt was long, but not quite long enough to cover my bum when I bent over. So, I just kept telling myself "Don't bend over." Well, sometimes that's not so easy when you're grocery shopping. Confidence I kept telling myself... just be confident. Pretend you meant to wear see through pants to Walmart... Yeah and well, the bending over thing was sooo not as easy as I thought it would be! Especially when you have to stick things in the bottom of the buggy... like bottled water, or when you have to load things in the car... So yeah, needless to say I was pretty embarrassed! I'm not quite ready to give up on the leggings yet, but I know I will make sure I have a MUCH longer shirt on or I will be more careful next time and buy ones that aren't see through!!!

Thursday, October 15, 2009
I swore I'd never wear leggings again...
So, how do you feel about leggings? Apparently they have made a comeback... I remember wearing these in the early '90's. Oh, my goodness! I saw these were back and about had a fit. I swore I would never ever wear leggings again... much less the kind with lace at the bottom! And would definitely not wear a big huge wide belt... they also seem to be back as well. I remember my mom always wore those big wide elastic belts with the pretty buckles... like a butterfly or something like that. I even used to pull them out of her belt drawer and wear them sometimes... I thought they were so cool. But now! "Nope not me" I've been saying... So guess what i'm wearing right now?... Yep, leggings... (gasp) I know, I know... I just couldn't help myself the other day. I found this super cute top, it was long and had a big wide belt... LOL! and I fell in love with it! I didnt buy it, but after thinking about it for about a week, went back to get it. Of course they didn't have it anymore... Well, they did, but the belt was missing. So what did I do? I bought 2 pair of leggings. One pair with lace at the bottom!!! I bought two long tops and WOW are they comfortable! It's like you're not even wearing pants! I think I'm addicted now! And I even think I look pretty darn cute!

Monday, October 12, 2009
Our weekend with the crud
The kids and I had the crud this weekend. I honestly thought we were getting the swine flu because the symptoms were the same, but thankfully it wasn't. No high fevers and we all seem better. Bobby of course started getting it last night. I half way expect him to come home early from work today... I don't know how he'll be able to stand it staying, because this stuff is just yucky! We missed church, which is terrible because I'm really trying to get back into the habit of going again! We also managed to get all of the Halloween/Fall decorations out of the attic. (mainly because of Lexie's begging and pleading ALL DAY long) I dreaded it so bad, but once we got it all out I pepped up, because I had new stuff I bought on clearance at Target last year. It was like opening up new presents! I just love Halloween decorations! You'd think after all these years of Halloween Target clearance shopping I'd have enough decorations by now, but I don't think I'll ever have enough! Also what's really bad is that I can't put any of them in the living room (now Tad's playroom!) I usually would put my pretty pumpkins and candles on the coffee table, but we had to take the coffee table out. He kept climbing on it and jumping off! I have now almost removed all furniture from the living room... Next will probably have to be the couches! He climbs up and stands on the back of them and sometimes he jumps off them as well... I'm so scared he's going to get hurt. So yeah, no decorations in there... :( it makes me sad... so sad...

Tuesday, October 6, 2009
monkeys, dogs... and pics of my new hair cut!
Lets start out with a picture from our night at the Alabama State Fair. Here is Lexie holding Bobo the monkey... How cute! This was the smartest little monkey! They were selling photo's of the monkey for a dollar and he would take the money from the people... go put it in the money bucket and then take the picture back to them! I was so impressed! I could so use one of those little guys around here... Just think of all the housework he could help me with! (as long as he wasn't flinging poo... which I've heard they have been known to do!) They also had him and another monkey riding dogs! Yes, riding dogs! It was called the Banana Derby! That was the best part of the fair in my opinion. Who wouldn't love to see a monkey riding a dog?!

Ok, so... Tad and I are not being the most photogenic in these photos. I take terrible pictures most of the time, but these are the best ones I've got of me with the new hair cut. I think I'm going to go shorter next time.... I like it this way, but since I rarely get out to get my hair done, I'm figuring that if I get it shorter, it will take longer to grow out... thus solving that problem, and the problem of the dreaded flip that I keep getting when I wake up in the morning! Maybe, if it's shorter... it won't flip?
Thursday, October 1, 2009
I'm going shopping!!!
I'm so excited... I'm going shopping today! It's been forever, and I mean seriously forever since I've been out actually shopping! (other than Walmart, Publix or the Thrift Store) We're going to the mall! My friend Jasmin and I have planned a day out at Starbucks this morning, some shopping and then lunch! I've been so excited since we planned this yesterday and of course I wanted Tad to get a good night's rest so he'd be in a "happy" mood today. He's never really happy when we go out somewhere... So of course he wouldn't go to sleep until after midnight last night for some reason, and then decided to wake up at 4am crying and wouldn't go back to sleep. He is now resting peacfully on the living room floor! I have a feeling he's not going to be in a "happy" mood today! Wish me luck...
All went well... he was fussy at times, especially while in the dressing rooms. But all in all he did ok considering not having much sleep! I had a great time and bought a new bra... The bra I have been wearing, I bought about 7 or 8 years ago... so yeah it was time! Actually, after I picked Lexie up from school.. I was really brave, and went back out shopping! Bought new jeans and a shirt at Ross. I love that store!!! I also got a new hairdryer to hopefully help me style my new hair do a little better... It's not going to be as easy to manage as I thought. I guess shorter is not always easier! The back keeps flipping up no matter how many times I flat iron it! I'm thinking about getting it all chopped off now!
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