Lets start out with a picture from our night at the Alabama State Fair. Here is Lexie holding Bobo the monkey... How cute! This was the smartest little monkey! They were selling photo's of the monkey for a dollar and he would take the money from the people... go put it in the money bucket and then take the picture back to them! I was so impressed! I could so use one of those little guys around here... Just think of all the housework he could help me with! (as long as he wasn't flinging poo... which I've heard they have been known to do!) They also had him and another monkey riding dogs! Yes, riding dogs! It was called the Banana Derby! That was the best part of the fair in my opinion. Who wouldn't love to see a monkey riding a dog?!

Ok, so... Tad and I are not being the most photogenic in these photos. I take terrible pictures most of the time, but these are the best ones I've got of me with the new hair cut. I think I'm going to go shorter next time.... I like it this way, but since I rarely get out to get my hair done, I'm figuring that if I get it shorter, it will take longer to grow out... thus solving that problem, and the problem of the dreaded flip that I keep getting when I wake up in the morning! Maybe, if it's shorter... it won't flip?
Your hair looks great!!!!
I LOVE your hair! And you are beautiful!
I live about 5 minutes from where they had the state fair. I wish I had known you where in town!
Your hair is so pretty! That is a great cut for you.
Wow!!! It looks great :)
Love the new 'do! (I wonder how hard it is to manage with a toddler? ;) Been wanting to cut mine, just can't gather the energy to iron it everyday!) It really looks great!
Oh, and don't forget Lexie rode a camel too. I think that is pretty neat. Not everybody gets to ride a camel and hold a monkey all in one day.
The video did not work again.
Love the 'do! IYou have great thick hair! The lip up is probably cute, too! You're just self conscious because it's new!
Love your hair. It looks great! That Tad is so cute.
Nice haircut, your blog is awesome I really love it!
I met you from Restaurant City in Facebook! You know this network must to grow and let's do some friends form then! I have my blog too but it's in spanish, hope I can post something in English for a global reading! lol!
Take care!
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