Monday, January 11, 2010
Being a parent... advice welcome!
You know I was thinking last night... and maybe some of you other moms can help me out with this one. Do you ever feel like you spend more time fussing at your children or correcting them all the time that they are going to start resenting you... or they won't love you as much? Maybe I just feel more that way because my daughter is here only half of the time? I always have these good intentions of spending some good 'ole quality time together, but it seems like I am constantly having to correct her, ground her, yell at her... So I feel like I spend more time being upset than I do being that "loving mom" that I want to be. Also, I have a tendency to let her get away with a lot because of the fact that she's here only half of the week and I want her to want to come back! Does that make sense? I don't know why she always has such an attitude with me... She's only 9 for goodness sake! Isn't that supposed to come later... like early teens!!! I don't know, maybe I've just screwed up somewhere along the line, or maybe I should blame it on Hannah Montana... hmmm... yeah, that's it... I would absolutely love to pull all of the tv's out of my house, but I doubt it would do any good. She's going to watch it when she's not here, so yeah, that's just another thing that would make me the bad guy... I don't know. Anyway, if anyone has any great parenting advice for me I'd love to hear it.
Here's a picture of her new hair cut... I think it's so cute... Of course though she thinks she knows exactly how she is supposed to fix it, how to blow dry it... style it. All without any of my advice, because of course Mom has NO idea how to fix it! Grrrr..... Yes, yes she just knows it all, my sweet little smarty pants!!!

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I was having similar thoughts earlier today, wondering how to be sane in an insane world of parenting. I haven't figured it out yet. Your daughter's haircut is very cute!
Welcome back, friend!! I was wondering about you!....
Yea, remember all the crap you pulled on your mom? As they say, it coming back to haunt you! ;) Cheer up. Your daughter is obviously well taken care of. Her needs are being met. I'm sure you have successfully instilled good morals and manners- sometimes it just takes some time for them to surface. She is obviously an independant child, and that is a blessing in disguise. May she always be that way- she will never let someone else drag her down!
Since she is a very independant person, maybe it would good for you to take her out to lunch. Girls day! Tell her how you feel, what you worry about, how you are trying to be the best you can be for her. Ask for her input. Tell her you love her, and how you wish you could... (fill in the blank)...
Together, I'm sure you can work it out- maybe you'll find out that any acting out is just her trying to control what she can in life- Letting her have a a say may only bring you closer!!
I hope this helps, it is not intended to offend in any way. I certainly do not look forward to the time when my baby girl objects my every word. But I know it will happen, and I will try to remember it is not my fault.
Hey Courtney welcome back to the blogging world. We really missed you. I wish I could offer some advice but I have no kids. Well I do have my canine kids but I don't think that counts.
I will say that I agree with RM that a day out together and a good heart to heart wouldn't hurt. It might be what the two of you need. Some good quality time together just the two of you. She would probably like getting all of Mom's attention for awhile.
Take care,
I forgot to say very cute haircut. She looks great.
The mood swings and attitudes..all these are part of their growing up..Dont be too harsh on her..She'll come around eventually.
Best of luck .
Our Lexie is getting more beautiful every time I see her.Of course she has her Mom to model herself after and that is good.All you said is all apart of them growing up, as you know, I have a son so don't have much advice on girls. But when I see you two together--you do have a special and loving relationship--one that she will always carry with her. Just keep on being the loving example that you are and it will all work out and the memories will be filled with love and under- standing.
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oh dear, you have such a long way to go, it is hard raising a daughter and comes with so many issues. I have two of them and love them dearly but was not so sure I would ever get them raised. My personal opinion is to be the parent. Rules are rules, I think most of us get so tired of being angry with them that we just give up and let them do whatever they want. BAD IDEA, really bad, she knows you love her and all kids need discipline, I am not talking about spanking I am talking about making children responsible for themselves but in a very loving way. Keep counting to ten....
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