Today the hubby was home sick, but I still managed to get some cleaning done and make an Easter pincushion. It's not really my choice of fabric, but it was a remnant and much cheaper than buying what I actually would have wanted. So I guess you make due with what you have. I think it turned out kind of cute...

Our shopping trip went really well. Tad behaved himself, for the most part anyway. He was pulling things off shelves and trying to pull over displays though. He just gets bored sitting there in the buggy. I don't blame him one bit. Next time I think we'll use the stroller and bring some toys. Anyway, I bought some pretty fabric, to make more pincushions with... YEA! Got some ribbon (it was half off at Hobby Lobby). More polymer clay, all different colors, ...I had so much fun last night playing with it, but got a horrible crick in my neck from bending over the table for so long. It still hurts today! Oh, and I bought some felt to make my cupcake pincushion with.

I'm going to make strap covers out of the cute little frog felt for Tad's carseat.
Here are the polymer clay pins I've been working on for the past few days... I know they look tacky in the smooshed up brown felt. Bobby says it looks like they're in a cup of doo doo! That's just mean, but I haven't made the cupcake pincushion yet that I plan on putting some of the pins in. I'll get around to it eventually.

This photo is way too overexposed.. The bottom cake is supposed to be a really pretty baby pink, you just can't tell here.