Here is my newest tiny pincushion. I should have put something beside it just to show how small it really is.

And here is just a very small portion of the pins Mom and I have spent the last few days making. Aren't they cute!!! The rest of them are at her house... I'll get the pictures up just as soon as I get them safely back home...

So, our shopping trip went ok, I guess. Tad was somewhat fussy, especially in the car. He screamed solid the whole way to Hobby Lobby. Once we got there he got better, he was just so tired though, bless his heart. By the time we got to Michaels he was asleep and I had to hold him the whole time we were in the store. He slept the entire time and never even knew he was in a store. Sweet little baby, he's such a trooper... going shopping with Mom and Grandmama and being so good. He woke up right in time to eat some french fries from Wendy's. He was very happy about that! But needless to say, Michaels was a bust... he is SO heavy so I didn't really get to look around and they had a great clearance sale on ribbon!I really hated that, but we are going to go back Monday, maybe it will still be there and hopefully he will be well rested this time!

Awww, sweet baby...
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