Friday, August 21, 2009

Oh Lord... Bobby lost his job...

The scene starts as I am changing a poopy diaper... I hear a loud rumbling outside and say to myself... No, no that can't be Bobby's truck! It's only 1:30! ...Finish up the dirty job, and head to the bathroom window. CRAP! (no pun intended) I see his truck! ... go unlock the door and proceed to put clothes back on my antsy, wanting to run around toddler who does not want clothes on. Be cool, I tell myself. Don't freak out... just be calm. He walks in and all I could say was "No... you're not really here. I don't see you! You Are Not Here! ... "Yep" he says, "They layed me off" Ok guys, I have tried so hard to remain calm. I am trying so hard to not freak out. He's in a bad mood, one of his REALLY quiet moods, and that just makes it worse! I did really good driving to the bus stop. I cried, but not so much, that tears actually ran down my face. I'm trying to hold it together. I'm holding on to hope that Monday when he goes to the Union Hall they will have a job for him, but apparently he is #87 on the list to be hired, so who knows how long that could be. I hate to say it... but I'm gonna do it anyway... I hate this Union Crap! They're just a bunch of...... Ok, nevermind! I'll just say, even though he didn't want to go Union in the first place, the pay was better and benefits are payed for, so we really had no choice financially. I won't even get into all of that... it doesn't matter anyway! I am so scared because I know that jobs are so hard to get nowadays, his brother has been out of work for months! They are in the same field... they are electricians. Even though his brother is not in the Union, it still just goes to show that there is not that much work out there. Freakin' economy!

Ok, guys... please pray that he will find work soon. That Monday at the Union hall, all of the guys number 1-86 won't show up and he will get a job!


Blue Creek Home said...

Oh goodness, Courtney! I hate to hear this.
Please know that I will be praying that this will not be a long lasting situation for you guys.

Mrs. Jennifer said...

I am SO SO sorry. I will be praying for you and your fam. I nthe meantime - let him do his thing. I know it is so hard, all we can do is be there for them. Just pray, pray, pray like mad for him.

KBeau said...

Will be praying for you and your family and everyone else who is without work right now. I build and remodel houses, and work has been slow for me. I'm fortunate in that I'm not the main bread winner.

Maggie Elizabeth said...

I am so sorry! I will be praying for you guys!!

MamaHen said...

Oh Courtney, I am soooo sorry. I would have not been able to hold it together, I'm sure. Pray, pray, pray for him. I know his load is heavy thinking about all this. And I know yours is too.

Cindy said...

I'm very sorry to hear that and I'll pray that he gets a job very soon. Yes, it's very hard out there. Believe me I know.

Lianne said...

Oh, that stinks! I will be praying for you guys. I hope that everything starts looking up next week for you. Keep us updated!

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Jill said...

Oh girl - I will pray. Be supportive of him. I can't imagine his emotions right now.

Rachel said...

Oh no!!! I'm so sorry! I will be praying for you guys - that is the worst!! I hope he gets a job very soon!