Ok, I decided to try my hand at some jewelry... I really thought these pea pods were so cute... and I kind of went a little crazy making them. I have tons of them now... spent most of the day yesterday making peas! Ok, so here's what I'm thinking. I want to put them in my Etsy shop. I'm thinking $10 each. They will be custom made per order... that way people can look at the examples and they can choose what color and how many peas they want. I've already sold one to a friend who's buying it for a someone who did her baby shower theme in sweet peas! So my question to you is... which ones do you think look the best and do you think the price is reasonable? I've made so many different ones, I don't want to list them all in the shop. It costs .20 each item to list them, and even though that may not sound like a lot... it does add up. So let me know what you think. Even if you think they are crap. I want to know!
Yes, I am having problems with the white balance on my camera, I'm sure you can tell. I just don't have the best setup and lighting for taking upclose photo's like this...
Silver pea pod with pearl peas

I think they are all precious! Hopefully one day, I'll order one from you. I really like the ones with the curly vines. They are all so good. And I think the price is perfect.
I like the first and third ones the best. They really are cute. I think $10 is very reasonable. When I get baby girl and have my complete five I would love to order one from you.
I like them all but I like 1 and 6probably will get those two for sure, in a hurry and will take a closer look later but definitely 1 and 6.
I love them! I think I may get one, too. Trying to decide...maybe 1.
These are so much prettier in person. I think you did a great job on them.
I LOVE THEM!! They are so stinking cute!! My favorite one is the silver!!
Too hard to choose a favorite one. I really like all of them. You did a great job. As far as price, $10 sounds reasonable.
I do like the silver one and the one with the gold looking vines.
I love the first 3 and the price is great!
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