Today has been a very good day. I've managed to do the dishes, some laundry, clean up the kitchen, plant some new plants and make a few things out of my polymer clay. Now, I am sitting here relaxing and having my second glass on chardonnay. Bobby's out picking up some diapers and hopefully a mothers day present! Lexie is in the den watching old home movies of when she was a baby. She wants me to watch them with her, but they kind of make me sad, for some reason. I cry every time I watch them.
Anyway... why did I decide to make a little doll?... I have absolutely no idea. Actually yesterday my friend Cristi and I went to a New and Used store and I found a few little wooden pieces that I thought I could maybe use with my polymer clay. They were very very cheap. The wooden pegs I got for this little doll were 4 for 25 cents! So I thought, hey... why not... So, ok, she's not the cutest little doll ever, but she's my first, so don't be too critical.

I know... her dress is kinda lumpy...

These are some signs I made to mark a few of my herbs. I was trying to show Cristi the herbs yesterday and had a hard time remembering what was what, so I thought I needed to make a few signs to help me remember.

This Basil one is hard to see on here... I'm not sure if you can click on it to make it bigger, but it has two tulips on the left side. I thought they were really cute...

This one is terrible. My writing looks like a 2nd graders. The paint was really thin and wasn't very easy to write with, plus pineapple is a very big word for such a little sign!

Cristi (my best friend since kindergarten) and I had a really good time. We've seen each other twice since she's been down here visiting this week. She lives far, far away in another state, doing her residency for emergency medicine. Yeah, she's a doctor... I'm so proud of her... Anyway, we went to a few yard sales, a salvage store and the Hueytown thrift store. I got two scrapbooks, one really cute one for a quarter, an album with a BUNCH of scrapbook stuff, and the first two Anne Rice Vampire books, and only spent $1.75!!! The man who was doing the pricing had no idea about that scrapbook stuff... Awesome deal!!! not that I do scrapbooking, but hey, I might one day! At the thrift store I found this really cute filing cabinet/basket... I plan on painting it white... for only $4.99.

Here's Tad on his new train... He loves it! Thanks Jan and Jim.