Our Memorial day weekend was nice other than the fact that Bobby was gone on Saturday and Monday. He helped his brother move, so I pretty much sat around and played on the computer. Mom and I crafted Saturday, and we went up to my aunt and uncle's house Sunday for BBQ. We had a real good time and the food was awesome. Thanks guys!
I went to the doc again today to have my hcg levels checked again. Then we made a stop by Hobby Lobby. I bought some magnetic strips. I think I'm gonna try to make a few little fridge magnets. I'll probably start on that tonight. My friend Cristi suggested since I made the "Cristi doctor doll" I needed to make a little "Courtney housewife doll" well, here it is...

I think I did the worst job on this doll than any of the other ones. I made her mouth too close to her eyes, her eyes too close together, and the sash around the apron is crooked! I didn't notice that until I took the picture... made me so mad. I did however get to try out the new cat whisker paintbrush my dad made for me. It worked really well! Much easier than the paintbrush I bought the other day. Thanks dad!
I think your just over critiquing it becuase it represents you. I thinks its great!
I think it is great! You always do such a great job!!! Glad you had a great weekend!!
That's a great looking doll. I'm glad to hear your weekend went well. It's been raining/storming here for days. We need the rain but we can't take much more. The ground is saturated and we're gonna need a boat soon if it doesn't stop.
Until next time,
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