I have been saying for the last few years that I will never have an inside cat again. Well... I just couldn't resist this little cutie. My parents cat had a litter a couple of months ago, actually on my birthday, and this one was just so cute and sweet. It needed to come home with me. The plan is for it to stay in Lexie's room when she's here, and she has promised to keep the litter box clean. So, we'll see how it goes. I absolutely hate cleaning out a litter box. His name is Moo. He looked like a little baby cow when he was born, not so much now, but the name just seemed fitting. Bobby introduced him to Eddie (our dog) last night. That didn't go over so well... Eddie was scared to death of the little kitty, who has always seemed so sweet and calm. Sweet and calm around Eddie... not so much. He turned into a hissing little monster. He never touched Eddie, but from the sounds he was making and the way he was fluffing up, you could tell, he and Eddie probably won't be friends for a while. Bobby and I both tried to pick Moo up and get him out of the laundry room where Eddie was, yeah, well... needless to say, we both got scratched up pretty good. I tried to pick him up by the skin on his neck. I thought that would be the safest way to do it. No, the little monster completely turned inside out and clawed the daylights out of my hand. Then Bobby pretty much had to hold me down and pour peroxide on my scratches. I wasn't happy about that. But he's getting much more playful and comfortable walking around the house now. He's not hiding really hiding behind furniture much anymore, except when Tad comes around. He's pretty scared of him. Tad keeps trying to give him his toys, and doesn't quite know how to be gentle with him yet, so every time Moo sees the baby, he just takes off running, and Tad's following behind him saying "Awwww" It's so funny.
This isn't the best picture, his eyes were kind of goopy. Yes, Dad, I am still washing his face every day.

He's really adorable. Kind of looks like my sisters Maine Coon cat (Rusty). Maine Coons get big. Do you know what kind of cat he is?
Have fun with him. Very cute name?
He's just a mixed breed... Kinda does look like a Maine Coon to me too.
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