I am trying to quit smoking, so I haven't blogged the past two days. It's hard to come in this room (where my computer and craft stuff is) because this is where we smoke. This room or outside. I have only had 5 today. I know that sounds like a lot, but compared to what I usually smoke, that's pretty good. Bobby has sneaked in several more today, and I'm trying REALLY hard to not get mad at him. It is just so hard. I hate quitting smoking. I enjoy my cigarettes so very much. I've done it before though and I can do it again! I know, I never should have started back, that was stupid. They're just so good...
Anyway, on a more cheerful note here is my newest pincushion made from a Coke bottle cap.

This is my newest cupcake. It's an Easter one, see the little marshmallow Peep on top. I just haven't glued it on a pin yet. The little Peep really looks better in person than in the picture. I need a better lens on my camera to get really up close shots like this. Christmas present, Mom... (hint, hint)

I actually went and got my hair done Saturday for the first time in 8 1/2 years. It was red, but I was getting so tired of dyeing it every two weeks ( I have naturally blonde hair.) So, now it is blonde with red. Really really blonde. It took me a little while to get used to it. Bobby says it's really wild looking, but I like it now, a lot actually. I feel so much better. I was really starting to feel frumpy. They put some layers in it to blend my bangs in better, and it looks really good. I'm going to have to go get my hair done more often, it was kind of fun! It did take 3 hours though, which was pretty bad. I'll have to get Bobby to take a picture so I can put it on here. Well, I'm going to get out of this room now, so I won't want to light up again...
The little pin cushion is so cute! The cupcake is darling. Wait till you see what I made today. Oh, & your hair looks great, I really like it. See you tomorrow.
I have seen those pin cusions up close and they are a work of art--your own creations. I know your hair looks beautiful cause it is a fact that any color looks great on you. Keep up the good work and know that you can do anything you set your mind to do.
Hi Courtney, the wooden disk works great, but you can also make the base out of some cardboard. That's how I made most of mine up until about a month ago. Just use a compass and create the dimensions of the disk and then cut it out. Otherwise, I got the wooden disks at JoAnne Fabrics. I'm sure any craft store would have them. Note: they are only about 1/8" thick and I found them where they have the painted wood pieces.
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