Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Multitasking or scatterbrained...

Why can't I seem to get organized? I've always told Bobby that I am just multitasking... a great quality, that is a must for any housewife. He says I'm just scatterbrained. (Don't get mad at him Mom) I'm beginning to think he's right. I started cleaning up the yard yesterday evening, and before I knew it I was in the living room vacuuming under and behind the couch cushions. It all of a sudden hit me... What am I doing here, I was trying to clean the yard... This happens all of the time. I start in one room and then find myself in another, doing something completely different... like brushing my teeth! (I found myself doing that yesterday as well) What's wrong with me. I try to make lists, but they just get scattered about the house. I try to start in one room and work my way to the next, but it never fails... I end up somewhere else, doing something else... Arghhh... I have got to get more organized. I think I need a daily planner. I know I need something to organize my coupons... that is a must because they are everywhere from my purse to the kitchen drawers. My purse is another problem. No matter how hard I try, I can not keep it cleaned out. I have had this problem as long as I've carried a purse! Usually I just change purses when mine gets so messy I can't stand it, so I have a closet full of purses with old make up, receipts and who knows what else. I have a filing cabinet (or basket I should say) but I hardly ever get around to putting the stuff in the files, and have I labeled those files?... nope... they still say the strange odd things they said when I bought it at the thrift store... like Colorado, Vermont, Savannah, Purto Rico, and a really strange one... Steinhatchee. Oh, and they threw one in there that fits in so well with the rest... Cat's rabies tags. I told Bobby yesterday that it's so sad... I am such an organized person at heart, why can't I just become that way. I've always wanted to be like Monica from Friends, she was so organized. I've tried... I really have, sometimes I feel more like Kramer from Seinfield though... Oh well...


MamaHen said...

Are you peeking into my house? There are days when I can have it "together" and have my list and actually get things done. And then there are days when it just all falls apart. I know, I know...

Jennifer Slye said...

I have a room just like yours, with all my "stuff". I'M the organized one! I mean, I built a house for crying out loud! It's like once I had ELla I lost my mind. I don't know if its because I dont have the time I had before to keep things the way they need to be. Or that I just have soooo much to do now that the number of tasks to be done keep me from being organized. Or that Pregancy BRAIN is REAL and PERMANENT! In that case I definately don't need to have anymore children!